Chapter 4128 A Crazy High School Reunion(Incest/Taboo):>Ep4
- I was stunned. I knew Mary and I had some strong feelings for each other, long suppressed, but Gee and Pen were...I don't know how to express my feelings towards them. Like sisters. We've known each other, been together, done everything together for more than 20 years. I certainly loved them all those years as if they were siblings. Was there more? Shit, they are really pretty and sexy - even a dummy like me could get that. If I was willing to cast aside the taboo of being in love with my real sister, would being in love with either or both of them be any different? Glad I didn't take another drink.
- "This is awful lot to comprehend. Can we take things slowly and one step at a time?" I wasn't a coward but three intimidating women focused on you would make Audi Murphy nervous.
- Three nods. "OK, let me just start asking questions."